Actions speak louder than words

The e-waste challenge can be solved. But, it requires action from all of us.

First, we must take responsibility for the electronic devices we buy and stop using. Our businesses and homes are filled with devices that could be reused by someone else, but they are too often abandoned in a drawer, closet, garage or warehouse. Every day that a functional and viable device sits, it provides zero value - and it will likely find its way into the trash.

Additionally, for devices that are either non-functional or too outdated for reuse, access to a sustainable, secure recycling provider is essential. The recycling of high-value materials such as gold, silver, copper, palladium, etc. are critical to creating a circular, sustainable economy. And, more importantly, the safe recovery and processing of the dangerous toxins found in e-waste must be a priority to protect the long-term human health and quality of life for generations to come.

The only way to guarantee these materials are reused and recycled in a sustainable manner is to divert this equipment to e-Stewards and/or Certified R2 recyclers that adhere to the highest standards.

“Well done is better than well said.”
— Benjamin Franklin